
Dear supporters,

We are hoping the be a waste free company one day and though we’re not there yet, there are small ways we reduce our waste and recycle or re-use our packaging. And as we are launch new things like dairy (which requires more and more packaging), we are finding new ways to re-use them. Of all materials it takes to get you a cold box on your porch, we are happy to claim that 90% of the items can be reused or recycled.

We are making a lot of progress with our waste. We are finally re-using our farm boxes (which wasn’t happening for the first year of covid). We have launched Better Bucket, a home composting program to get your home kitchen scraps out of the landfill. We measure our trash on a weekly basis so we can monitor how we can be better. But there’s still a LONG way to go… We still need to use plastic bags because we haven’t found another alternative for our salad mixes. And unfortunately there isn’t a good solution for plastic waste in our country yet. But did you know in other countries they are turning plastic waste into oil?

In Japan they are reclaiming these plastics back into oil, through pyrolysis and running their machinery with the oil. But we are not, we are burying them and pretending like they don’t exist, while they seep into our groundwater and spread through the oceans. If this interests you, please contact us for more information as we are looking for financial support to make this happen. We are currently deep in research with UCSB on making this possible. If there’s anyone out there that wants to be involved and believes in our mission please send an email to jason@farmcartorganics.com


Butter Bean, Wild Rice, and Garlic-Roasted Carrot Salad

Butter Bean, Wild Rice, and Garlic-Roasted Carrot Salad

Mexican Corn Salad

Mexican Corn Salad

Strawberry Avocado Spinach Salad

Strawberry Avocado Spinach Salad

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