BELL Peppers
Make sure your peppers are thoroughly dry and store in your refrigerator crisper drawer. Excess moisture will cause peppers to become soft and slimy.
You should remove the beets from the tops and store your beets in the fridge crisper. Wait! Before you throw away those tops did you know that beet greens are one of the MOST nutritious greens out there? Wrap the greens in a wet paper towel and put in the crisper as well.
For the best taste and texture, consume fresh broccoli asap - within 2 days! Raw broccoli requires air circulation. To store it, mist the unwashed heads, wrap loosely in damp paper towels, and refrigerate.
The easiest way to store cabbage is in the crisper drawer and it will last for a very long time (literally a month). The top layer might look a little sad but you can peel it back and it will be totally perfect under that! If you use only part of the cabbage, be sure to tightly wrap the remainder and store in the fridge.
Carrots do best in a wet environment. When you get home remove the stems (you can eat them, try carrot top pesto) and rinse the carrots in cold water. Then put your carrots in a tupperware or glass container with a half inch of water on the bottom of the container. Store in your refrigerator. Carrots should last a very long time!
Put cauliflower head in a loose plastic bag with a paper towel inside to absorb any extra moisture. Cauliflower should last 4-7 days. May brown just a little and that is ok!
Celery should be stored in the refrigerator right away. One trick is to wrap it tightly in aluminum foil. You may want to place the celery on a slightly damp paper towel before you wrap it in the foil.
Chard is similar to spinach, use it right away! Do not wash chard before storing, excess water encourages spoilage. Wrap a plastic bag tightly around the chard, squeezing out as much of the air as possible. Keep in the refrigerator.
Wrap corn tightly in a bag and store in the refrigerator. We recommend eating your fresh corn within three days for the best flavor!
Eggplants are cold temperature sensitive and should be kept in a slightly cool (not cold) spot, away from direct sunlight. They’re also sensitive to ethylene, so, it’s best to keep eggplant stored separate from bananas, tomatoes, and melons.
Jalapeños can be tossed in the crisper. It will last around 2 weeks. Don’t worry if it gets a little soft, it’s still good & will still have great spice!
Qrap kale in a wet paper towel or dish towel and put in crisper. Should last up to 10 days.
Lettuce should be wrapped in a wet paper towel or dish towel and put in the crisper drawer in your fridge.
Place unwashed mushrooms in a brown paper bag in the fridge, this keeps them from getting moldy or too dry.
Peppers can be stored in the refrigerator. If cut, store them in a sealed container in the crisper drawer.
shishito peppers
Keep them in a paper or plastic bag in the warmest area of the refrigerator. As long as they were purchased when very fresh, they will last in the refrigerator for up to two weeks
Spinach is super tender so try to use right away! If you can’t eat it right away, it’s best if you rinse it with cold water and then chop up the leaves and put it in an airtight container. Put this in the crisper drawer.
Store sweet potatoes on the counter out of direct sunlight. Keep away from moisture. *If there’s any moisture or condensation on your potatoes upon farm box arrival, please dry off thoroughly!*
Zucchinis should be put in the fridge.
Apples can just be left on your counter in the fruit bowl OR in your crisper drawer in the refrigerator. Up to you!
You want to eat avocados when they're black and give a little to the touch. So when you get a green avocado, you can leave it on your counter to ripen or put it in a dark cabinet. To speed up the ripening, place your avos in a paper bag with some apples or bananas and store in a dark cabinet. To slow the ripening process, store in your refrigerator.
It is best to store your blueberries in the fridge and wash just prior to eating.
Grapes will keep the best if they’re kept in a perforated bag and stored in the fridge. If you need them to perk up a bit try running them under cold water, dry them, and put back in the fridge.
Whole melon should be left at room temperature until ripe. Once ripe, they can be stored whole in the fridge. If cut, store in plastic wrap or glass sealed container.
Ok guys, here’s the funny one. Don’t wash your strawberries, you don’t need to! Put them in Tupperware or a glass container and put them in the fridge. *COVID update- please wash and thoroughly dry your berries
Store tomatillos in their husks, sealed in a paper bag in the vegetable crisper. They’re also sensitive to ethylene - a natural gas that causes certain foods to ripen / spoil very quickly. So, it’s best to keep them away from bananas, tomatoes, and melons,
Watermelon can be left on the counter or stick it in the fridge!
Basil should be put in a glass of water, like a bouquet of flowers! Ends should be chopped, and submerged in at least an inch of water. It looks beautiful on your counter and smells great too!
Store in a dry, dark place with plenty of air circulation. Avoid any moisture.
Dried onions can be left on the counter. Keep them out of direct sunlight and make sure they don’t get wet. *If there’s any moisture or condensation on your onion upon farm box arrival, please dry off thoroughly!*