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Happy February everyone!

As you all know, we are serious about taking full advantage of the opportunities that Farm Cart Organics provides and are in this thing 100% striving to do the best that can be done. With that said, we are diving into getting B-Certification. Which is super interesting, and really takes into account all aspects of the business and how it can or should be positively affecting the planet and it’s people.

One of the things that the B-Certification process has brought back into the limelight is our trash. The amount of trash that our farms create and the amount of trash our packaging creates. Both of these are very significant amounts. And we are working with the farms to start a re-usable box program, where we send boxes to the farms, recieve them full of harvest, wash them, and send them back to the farms. In the meantime, we are re-distributing their wax boxes to farmers that appreciate free boxes.

On the packaging side, specifically on the boxes that arrive on your door step and to your drop points, we are hoping for your feedback and to find out what you are comfortable doing in this new age of Covid where we have been distributing brand new boxes for each delivery for the past year. While the CDC has stated that Covid does not survive on cardboard surfaces for longer than 72 hrs, we have been uncomfortable to send boxes back out for a second or third delivery, despite our warehouse being loaded with returned boxes.

If you were a part of this community prior to Covid, you would remember and most likely appreciate that your boxes were being re-used over and over again. We were all completely bought into this re-utlization and were taking great pride in it. We all returned our boxes, each and every week. We left them out on our door for the delivery men and women to pick up. We took them back to our drop points on our pick-up days,
and the raddest of us showed up at our drop points with their own bags, re-packed, and left their box behind for immediate return. And we only retired boxes to the recycler when they were battered and beaten with sometimes more than 10 deliveries under their belt.

So, with Covid and the planet in mind. Here’s what I am asking.
Are you comfortable getting a box that has been re-used delivered to your house if we follow this protocol:
1. We store them for 1 week and solarize them to kill the Covid virus at our warehouse before they are re-used.
2. We continue with our dilligent Covid protocols during packing, distribution, and delivery. I.e. Gloves and masks at all stages.

If you are comfortable with this approach, that is awesome. And please let us know!

If you are not comfortable with this, that is also awesome, And please let us know, because we can create a solution for you to continue recieving brand new boxes each week.

We just need to know what the community feels is right for now. Because we are all in this planetary dance together, and we want to do the best that we can for the planet and for our people, in the time of Covid and in the time of normalcy.

Together we will go far!
Much love,
Farm Cart Organics.


Piles on Piles of Used Boxes

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Sweet Potato Breakfast Hash

Brown Butter Butternut Squash Pasta

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Chickpea Stew

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Crispy Cauliflower tacos