Perched atop Rincon Mountain overlooking the pacific ocean and Southern California’s favorite surf spot Rincon point, we find Mary Gonzalez and a hard working crew of beautiful ladies tending Sweet Mountain Tops majestic little 2 acre medicinal flower farm.
It is with great pride, that Mary and her epic partner Rob have nurtured this dream into reality.
Less than 3 seasons ago, Mary was deep in her studies of medicinal plants, was working multiple jobs, and was dreaming of what is unfolding in her fields today.
To say Sweet Mountain Top is the dream of a powerful, beautiful woman is an understatement.
Mary has worked her butt off to get where she is today, but in typical humble Mary style, she will be tell you that Rob is the backbone of her dream, and that her interns and her magical employees are what makes everything work so smoothly.
But, we all know it is Mary’s kind heart, and generous sprit that are really making it all happen.
And happen it is. This season Mary is diving ever deeper into the world of traditionally grown, clean, activated medicinals. Her fields are brimming with the pollinators buzzing through her purple echinacea flowers and majestic chinese chrysanthemum.
It is truly an impressive site, to see medicinal plants in action. Not only are they medicinal for us, but they seem to bring a medicinal quality to the natural world around them.
So, not to just keep waxing poet about Mary and the almost entirely woman powered Sweet MountainTop Farm, but it is really awesome, and really eye opening to see farming support nature and human health.
With all of that said, if you are looking for immune support in these times, natural relaxation, or just a little extra nourishment, make sure to look first at what the magical ladies on the hill are doing first, because we back what they are doing and how they are doing.
Summer Gazpacho with Dill!
“This chilled tomato soup is precisely as simple as summer recipes should be. You only need a few good tomatoes and some pantry essentials to have it mixed and ready within minutes. We top it with sourdough croutons and fresh dill but our kids decorate theirs with popcorn!”