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Minimalist Clean Inspirational Quote Instagram feed post (9).png

Happy Spring Everyone,

It has been a long, long year, but it feels like we have finally arrived somewhere new and exciting. Spring has truly arrived, the days are getting longer, our Covid cases are thankfully in decline, our restaurants are seating inside a little bit again, and it feels like our world is on its way to better, healthier days once more. I’m hesitant to say it feels good because it still feels uncertain. But I feel a bit of optimism building up inside this spring, and I am excited by it.

And optimism is a great thing. Optimism is what powers our farms and farmers this time of year. With a year of all years behind us and nearing the end of a non-existent rain season, all of us are plowing full-steam ahead in our fields and pushing ourselves to the extremes with the faith that everything will be a-ok. Even though, we have all put all of our money back into the ground, back into seeds, back into supplies, back into equipment. Back into the promise of the coming longer days, and warmer nights. We believe it will all work out.

And truly that belief comes from you. You are the faith empowerment of this equation. Knowing that you are here with us, that you demand this deeply nourishing natural food from us, and knowing that you care about this world of real, organic agriculture enough to commit to this, and to go through the slow seasons with us, is what gives us the belief that it is all going to be great and just as it should be.

You are the quiet confidence, where there should be panic. Knowing that you want what we grow, that you demand healthy soil, that you push for worker’s rights, and that you demand better farming for the future gives the power to push into the scary spring of this huge farming project that we are working on together.

And we thank you for that. For the strength to push on and for continuing to build our faith in this mission season after season.

You are empowering and you are uplifting

Thank you. Jason

p.s. Sorry about all of the lettuce lately.


Farm Updates:

  • We are continuing to harvest and Plant: Broccoli, Lettuces, Carrots, Beets, Radishes, Arugula, Spinach, Bok Choi, Cabbages, Cauliflower, Celery, Asparagus, Spring Onions

  • We are just starting to harvest the first Strawberries, Sugar Snaps, and are expecting to see the first super early Corn soon.

  • We are beginning to plant the first Summer crops in South County: Beans, Zucchini, Tomatoes, Basil, Eggplants, etc.

  • We are continuing to plant Summer Crops agressively in the nursery for North County planting very soon.
