Wow guys! We’ve been working really hard on something over here that we know you’ll all love. Are you ready?! We are switching the software that runs our entire CSA to a different platform that is so much better! LOL, is this the exciting news you had in mind?! We hope so! We are so exited to invite you all to your new store next week on September 2nd! Our new site is MUCH more user friendly, compatible with iPhones, does not glitch out, and has so many more features. We understand how confusing the software has been and you guys are truly champs for being patient with us while we figure out these kinks. We’ve heard from well over a hundred people how difficult our store is, how often orders are messed up because things aren’t clear and we are happy to finally make a switch!

Store front. Super clean layout. You can even see the price right away (hey there price), more frequency options, and more!

Store front.

Completely user friendly dashboard where all your info will already be stored. Wait is that a referral program? You mean you can now get rewarded for all the people you tell about your farm box? WINNING.

Completely user friendly dashboard. We are so happy!



What the heck is a Romanesco??

A romanesco cauliflower is a part of the cauliflower family. Although it appears to look more like a distant alien relative from another life form, it tastes very similar to a cauliflower but with a slightly nuttier, earthier flavor. You can chop it up and eat it raw in salads, lightly sauté it, or bake it whole. Everyone (except snack boxers) gets a romanesco this week and we all want to see what you do with it via instagram! Tag us so we can see!!