Who doesn’t love a gigantic bowl of pasta?

…ESPECIALLY when it has been freshly made within days, even hours of consuming. We are so lucky to have Michael from Mission Rose Pasta making fresh pasta each week. Michael puts a lot of love and car into your pasta orders, always fresh and always organic. Our favorite way to eat it this time of year is with roasted spring veggies like zucchini or spring onions, slathered in butter with a plop of fresh basil on top. Fresh and easy! Michael has been a chef and pasta maker for many years. He is local to Santa Barbara and rocks our world with his Pasta. If you haven’t tried it yet - give it a go, you won’t regret it!!!!! We got to ask a few questions in passing to help y’all get to know Michael better.

Q: What do you normally do for work?

A: Chef/Pasta Maker. I had a restaurant in Isla Vista years and years ago, that is where my passions began. I have done a lot of private cooking as well.

Q: Any big plans for your pasta creations?

A: In the future I hope to grow, expand, and possibly have a retail operation.

Q: What are your favorite things to make besides pasta?

A; A good bowl of ramen, or a roasted chicken. I’m a simple guy!

Q: What brings you joy?

A; Time with my boy, time with family, and mostly running.

a reminder: if you aren’t seeing your add-ons on your packing slip or in your box, they may have been ordered after our deadline (Sunday @ 6pm). Reach out if you have any questions at all! E

ENJOY the week!


