Hey everyone! What an amazing surprise of rain today and throughout this week. I was starting to get a little worried that we had seen the last of the rain for the spring, but this is so great! It is always a little tricky packing, loading, and delivering your farm boxes when there is weather like this, but our rad team always makes it happen. We are lucky enough to have gorgeous weather year round so weather never really interferes with our packing scene. If your drop point is outside, we will cover it with a tarp today! If you see our gal Sarah delivering in the rain, show her some love, or lend her a hand!
Shoutout to this team of ours that shows up at the crack of dawn every week to pack YOUR boxes. We are so lucky to have a rad, inspiring, and fun bunch to spend each week with. There is no one I’d rather see at 6am. Next time you see one of these pals, make sure to give them a shout out! We asked them what their favorite thing to do with SWISS CHARD was.. and here it is, short sweet and simple. If this veggie scares you, don’t over complicate it. Chard isn’t always everyones favorite, but if these cuties don’t convince you to get crazy with it, then I don’t know who will. Our team has got their veggie game down!
Cheers to a cozy day!
KATIE salt pepper stir-fry.
LACEY seasonal quiche, right now it’s asparagus and chard.
KATIE add it to eggs, easy as that!
JOSE put it in a quesadilla, add cilantro and avocado.
SOFIA keep it simple! it has such great flavor on its own, just saute and eat.
SARAH chop, saute with garlic & olive oil, serve in a bowl.
CHANDLER throw it in any soup at the tail end, OR saute till they look like silky ribbons.
KATE saute with garlic, make a sauce with Tom Shepherd’s red hot chile pepper jam, and drizzle over that chard.
CHRIS saute, slap it in a wrap with nutritional yeast & salt.