Hey friends! Here we are again, our favorite day of the week: FARM BOX DAY! And we’re so happy to have our first ever recipe contest! Since kale came in everyone’s box this week we are going to make kale the focus. Kale is something that is either people’s favorite or they just hand it over to their rabbits, guinea pigs, and neighbors. Hey guys let’s do something and kale cool again!! So what do you do with your kale? What do you make? I want to hear it all. Read below to find the rules to play & win a $50 credit!
To enter our kale recipe contest do the following:
Make a dish that uses at least an entire bunch of kale. This can be a kale salad, sauté, side dish, sauce, smoothie, or whatever strikes your fancy.
Must take a picture of your creation and send it over to farmcartorganics@gmail.com or respond to this email.
Give us a title of your dish. If you have a written recipe send it with that along with the ingredients. And if you don’t do your best to describe it all. Also, you can totally find a recipe online and use it, just credit the source.
Deadline to send in your recipe & picture is Friday at 6 pm. We will choose the winner based off creativity & yumminess. A clearer crisp picture is encouraged but not required.
Winner will be announced in next week’s email!
big news for organic farmers!
We’re cheering on the wins for organic in the 2018 farm bill that was signed into law in December. With expanded (and permanent!) funding for organic research and maintaining organic standards, it has the potential to be a force for good in the American organic food industry. It’s people like you that is making the smaller steps in the bigger picture. So thank you for choosing us! Let’s do more organic together!