Hi guys,
This weekend Jason and I watched a movie called Wasted, a film about food waste here in America. It goes from talking about the 40% food waste from farmers when their produce doesn’t meet ‘grade’ standard. Then it goes into how people in Japan are feeding their food waste to pigs to make the the best pork in the world. Do you know how long it takes for a head of romaine to break down in the land fill? How long would you guess? 2-3 weeks? 4 months depending on weather? It’s twenty five years. TWENTY FIVE FUCKING YEARS (excuse me). When you think of it this way maybe it get’s you thinking about the the impact these landfills are making on earth… Food waste that ends up in landfills produces a HUGE amount of methane- a more powerful green house gas than even CO2, which of coarse then leads to global warming. That’s the end of my hippie-dippie talk, hopefully you’ll watch it here: http://www.wastedfilm.com/watch-at-home/ and watch the preview below.
Here’s to me embracing flies, a messy side yard and being super responsible.
Lately I’ve really been feeling so busy that I’ve let my responsible-ness slip down the cracks. We used to be gnarlier and bring our food waste back to the farm for our chickens. We even had our own micro compost pile in our back yard. But as the summer heat came there started to be gnarly fruit flies in my kitchen and huge dinosaur flies coming into our house from the compost pile. I was just over it. I started throwing food waste in the trash to be more ‘tidy’ and to have a nicer bug free kitchen. But the guilt started building up and it wasn’t until our friend KP totally called me out last week that I made the pledge to change. So from here on forward I have my compost bucket back in the kitchen and Jason and I are going to start using our compost pile again. Another thing that I’m going to start doing is bringing my own cup every where I go. I think a lot of us are still in the go get your coffee and use a single use plastic/paper cup world. My new rule is that if I don’t have my own cup with me then I’m not allowed to get get a coffee. So who is with me on making a pledge to more responsibility? What do you do in your household to make an impact? If you live in an apartment and don’t have a place to have your own compost pile do you have any suggestions? Do you bring your food waste somewhere? What do you do so I care share? This mama is about to PREECH guys so let me know.